All Staff Accountant Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Staff-accountant in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Staff Accountant Bass Accounting Tax Services Cpa Llc Gaithersburg $ 53,747 / Year
Staff Accountant Enterprise Resource Planning Inc Miami $ 42,700 / Year
Staff Accountant Muso Co Inc Monterey Park $ 63,940 / Year
Staff Accountant Phenix Bicoastal Salons Asburn $ 25 / Hour
Staff Accountant Burgess And Company Cpas Inc San Francisco $ 57,304 / Year
Staff Accountant Doling Chang Ashmore Cpa Inc Palo Alto $ 75,566 / Year
Staff Accountant Sauce Labs Inc San Francisco $ 75,000 / Year
Staff Accountant The Judson Studios Los Angeles $ 47,445 / Year
Staff Accountant Yun Yun Yang Dba Ay Accounting Tax Flushing $ 76,066 / Year
Staff Accountant Hospital For Special Surgery New York $ 71,032 / Year
Staff Accountant Oakwood Management Group Inc Los Angeles $ 90,730 / Year
Staff Accountant Kallmanthompsonlogan Llp Los Angeles $ 61,880 / Year
Staff Accountant Jc Company Pc Irvine $ 61,859 / Year
Staff Accountant Encore Hospice Inc Burbank $ 90,730 / Year
Staff Accountant Ncbfsb Arlington $ 71,365 / Year
Staff Accountant Te Huei Hsiao May Te Huei Hsiao Cupertino $ 75,566 / Year
Staff Accountant Universal Construction Specialists Inc El Segundo $ 184,747 / Year
Staff Accountant Archibald M Sam Company Cpas San Francisco $ 71,261 / Year
Staff Accountant Scs Global Professionals Llp Burlingame $ 63,690 / Year
Staff Accountant Yang I Kim Cpa Watertown $ 67,964 / Year