All Staff Accountant Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Staff-accountant in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Staff Accountant Koam Business Service Inc Atlanta $ 61,381 / Year
Staff Accountant Koogwon Kwun Cpa Associates Inc Los Angeles $ 48,027 / Year
Staff Accountant Boas Boas Llp San Francisco $ 71,261 / Year
Staff Accountant Aspen Holdings Inc Dba Aspen Management Company Tarzana $ 93,122 / Year
Staff Accountant Silver Platinum Realty Management Inc Santa Monica $ 93,200 / Year
Staff Accountant Lutz And Carr Cpas Llp New York $ 54,873 / Year
Staff Accountant Jerry Sung Cpa Associates Emeryville $ 66,914 / Year
Staff Accountant The Association For Talent Development Atd Alexandria $ 55,286 / Year
Staff Accountant Durbin And Co Llp Lubbock $ 44,000 / Year
Staff Accountant The Dolins Group Ltd Northbrook $ 74,464 / Year
Staff Accountant Tnc Enterprises Inc South El Monte $ 63,066 / Year
Staff Accountant Homeitech Inc Vienna $ 70,096 / Year
Staff Accountant Kadoura Co Llc Largo $ 54,517 / Year
Staff Accountant Select Clothing Co Inc Los Angeles $ 93,122 / Year
Staff Accountant 50000feet Inc Chicago $ 45,750 / Year
Staff Accountant Pacific Home Care Corporation Carson $ 93,122 / Year
Staff Accountant Odonnell Ficenec Wills Ferdig Llp Omaha $ 43,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Dynamic Support Solutions Irving $ 61,152 / Year
Staff Accountant Sylvester Lzee Cpa Charlotte $ 48,651 / Year
Staff Accountant Data Media Solutions Omaha $ 43,000 / Year