All Staff Accountant Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Staff-accountant in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Staff Accountant Kirk Richardson Poole Pc Forth Worth $ 42,500 / Year
Staff Accountant Fabritex Inc Los Angeles $ 90,730 / Year
Staff Accountant Chen Fan Accountancy Corporation El Monte $ 75,566 / Year
Staff Accountant Kaufman Kabani Cpa Apc Los Angeles $ 61,880 / Year
Staff Accountant Kyj Llp San Diego $ 47,902 / Year
Staff Accountant Cps Global Llc Miami $ 42,620 / Year
Staff Accountant Chaconas Wilson Pc Washington $ 65,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Samtex Fabrics Inc Los Angeles $ 90,730 / Year
Staff Accountant Vadim Garbar Cpa Inc Wheeling $ 60,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Rebel Athleticinc Carrollton $ 45,822 / Year
Staff Accountant Bw Cpa Group Inc Los Angeles $ 47,445 / Year
Staff Accountant Silver Platinum Realty Management Inc Santa Monica $ 47,445 / Year
Staff Accountant Actuarial Systems Corporation Tarzana $ 43,410 / Year
Staff Accountant Abc Cpas Los Angeles $ 47,445 / Year
Staff Accountant Galeano Li Lei And Villegas Cpa Llc Atlanta $ 80,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Kao And Kao Certified Public Accountants Santa Monica $ 61,880 / Year
Staff Accountant A Plus Fabrics Inc Los Angeles $ 90,730 / Year
Staff Accountant Vobile Inc Santa Clara $ 87,131 / Year
Staff Accountant Jopas Corporation Weston $ 56,700 / Year
Staff Accountant Savannah College Of Art And Design Savannah $ 44,000 / Year