Green Card Highest Paid Jobs - 2019

Discover the top-paying Green Card jobs in the USA with our comprehensive list of job titles and corresponding average salaries. From tech to finance and healthcare, we've got you covered. Find out which companies are offering the best salaries and start your career in the highest paid jobs today!

Average Salary
Received Date
Decision Date
2019 Engagement Director It $ 14,000,000 /Year 2018-12-18 2019-04-11
2019 Senior Software Engineer $ 13,380,600 /Year 2019-09-18 2019-09-19
2019 Traderinvestment Analyst $ 11,300,000 /Year 2019-07-18 2019-09-24
2019 Supply Chain Manager $ 5,046,100 /Year 2018-11-09 2019-03-01
2019 Administrative Assistant $ 3,839,700 /Year 2018-06-18 2018-10-05
2019 Physiatrist $ 1,900,000 /Year 2018-12-14 2019-04-10
2019 Chief Software Architect $ 1,335,787 /Year 2018-12-19 2018-12-19
2019 Research Scientist $ 1,098,150 /Year 2019-05-02 2019-07-26
2019 Software Engineer $ 1,096,837 /Year 2019-03-04 2019-05-15
2019 Senior Software Engineer $ 936,210 /Year 2018-12-21 2019-04-03
2019 Engineering Director $ 850,000 /Year 2018-10-31 2019-02-08
2019 Neurosurgeon $ 725,000 /Year 2019-03-05 2019-05-13
2019 Partnerintellectual Property Practice Area Lawyer $ 700,000 /Year 2019-04-11 2019-06-21
2019 Neurosurgeon $ 700,000 /Year 2018-08-24 2018-11-08
2019 Endovascular Neurosurgeon $ 685,000 /Year 2019-06-29 2019-08-15
2019 General Surgeon $ 675,000 /Year 2018-10-02 2019-01-24
2019 Cardiovascular Surgeon $ 635,000 /Year 2019-04-09 2019-06-11
2019 Interventional Cardiology $ 632,500 /Year 2018-07-13 2019-02-26
2019 Invasive Cardiologist $ 630,000 /Year 2019-05-08 2019-07-12
2019 Cardiologist $ 625,000 /Year 2019-09-24 2019-09-24