All Morgan Stanley Co Llc Sponsors for Green Card Applications - 2016

Explore Green Card salary data for top companies like Morgan-stanley-co-llc across different cities for various job titles and discover the average salaries.

Company name
Job Title
City Name
Average Salary
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Quantitative Research Ms Strats And Modeling Division New York $ 160,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Research Metals And Mining New York $ 160,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Analyst Solutions Team Research Division New York $ 160,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate 3 Banking New York $ 160,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Strats New York $ 165,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 110,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Regulatory Affairs Legal And Compliance Division New York $ 165,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Lead Project Developer New York $ 95,780 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President New York $ 130,666 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Client Stp Applications Technology Data Division New York $ 126,422 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice Presidentcollateral Mgmt Techinstitutional Corporate Tech Division New York $ 130,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 150,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Quantitative Research New York $ 155,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Technology New York $ 160,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Technology New York $ 110,365 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 154,690 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Technology New York $ 90,500 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Regulatory And Compliance Control Technology New York $ 108,763 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Content Distribution Technology Research Division New York $ 140,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Electronic Market Making Developer New York $ 155,000 / Year