All Morgan Stanley Co Llc Sponsors for Green Card Applications - 2016

Explore Green Card salary data for top companies like Morgan-stanley-co-llc across different cities for various job titles and discover the average salaries.

Company name
Job Title
City Name
Average Salary
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 100,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 127,810 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Technology New York $ 148,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Executive Director New York $ 155,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Executive Director Quantitative Analysis New York $ 200,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President New York $ 250,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President New York $ 200,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 150,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Healthcare Investment Banking New York $ 200,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 139,922 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Analyst Technology New York $ 100,880 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Technology New York $ 120,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Vice President Technology New York $ 110,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Software Engineer Vice President New York $ 150,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 130,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc System Analyst Vice President New York $ 129,355 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 132,600 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Technology New York $ 105,000 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate Lead Project Developer New York $ 95,780 / Year
Morgan Stanley Co Llc Associate New York $ 115,000 / Year