All Green Card Applications for states.west-virginia - 2021

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in West-virginia with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
WEST VIRGINIA Buckhannon Assistant Athletic Trainer $ 3,957 / Month
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 78,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 95,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 64,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 53,720 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 55,780 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington Assistant Professor Computer Science $ 85,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry) $ 222,068 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Endocrinology) $ 204,567 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Family Medicine) $ 203,010 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Gastroenterology) $ 375,780 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Hematology/Oncology) $ 275,337 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Hematopathology) $ 245,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Nephrology) $ 245,516 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Neurology) $ 310,669 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Palliative & Supportive Care Medicine) $ 221,790 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Rheumatology) $ 236,171 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor (Transplant Nephrology) $ 245,516 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor & Director Of Renal Transplant Service $ 270,068 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington Assistant Professor Of Biological Sciences $ 60,000 / Year