All Green Card Applications for states.west-virginia - 2019

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in West-virginia with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
WEST VIRGINIA Beckley Analytical Strategist $ 49,500 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington Assistant Professor $ 46,692 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 250,990 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 250,990 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 250,990 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 250,990 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 88,500 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 132,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 191,427 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 190,357 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 315,094 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 235,510 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor $ 239,352 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown Assistant Professor Of Computer Science $ 66,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington Assistant Professor Of English $ 48,260 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Huntington Associate Director Of International Sales $ 140,130 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Wheeling Chief Operating Officer $ 117,000 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Charleston Decision Support System Analyst $ 74,204 / Year
WEST VIRGINIA Beckley Deputy General Manager Survey & Mine Planning $ 90,000 / Year