All Green Card Applications for states.north-carolina - 2021

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in North-carolina with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Analyst II Tech Delivery $ 120,000 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Architect 2 $ 166,275 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Architect 2 $ 142,735 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / ASD Professional Mkts $ 119,101 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Assoc Wealth Strategies Advisor $ 164,944 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / BA Professional MKTS $ 142,800 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / BA Professional MKTS $ 110,592 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / BA Professional MKTS $ 137,426 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Business Support Manager II $ 200,000 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 124,987 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 126,200 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 123,300 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 137,246 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 119,974 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog $ 128,000 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Systems Eng $ 125,000 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt – Apps Prog $ 124,987 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt – Systems Engineer $ 106,766 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Cnslt Apps Prog California $ 163,278 / Year
NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Vice President / Consultant II System Eng $ 109,548 / Year