All Sr Software Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2019

Explore salaries for Sr-software-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Sr Software Engineer Bluehost Inc Provo $ 116,480 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Twitter Inc San Francisco $ 175,400 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Quicken Loans Inc Detroit $ 88,852 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Salesforcecom San Francisco $ 165,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Icw Group Holdings Inc San Diego $ 82,950 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 110,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Belk Inc Charlotte $ 115,500 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Securenet Systems Corporation St Louis $ 90,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 110,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Ccc Information Services Inc Chicago $ 110,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Box Bot Inc Oakland $ 125,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Harmanbecker Automotive Systems Novi $ 106,575 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Assetmark Financial Inc Concord $ 147,181 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation Redmond $ 168,502 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Hcl Global Systems Inc Farmington Hills $ 110,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Cornerstone Ondemand Inc Santa Monica $ 145,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 110,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Rei Systems Inc Sterling $ 108,151 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Magic Leap Inc Plantation $ 159,340 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation Redmond $ 159,500 / Year