All Sr Software Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2019

Explore salaries for Sr-software-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Sr Software Engineer Xavient Digital Llc Woodland Hills $ 131,144 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Cvent Inc Mclean $ 85,374 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Chelsoft Solutions Co Olathe $ 90,334 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Chelsoft Solutions Co Olathe $ 90,334 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Scotty Labs Inc San Francisco $ 174,117 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Dow Jones Company Inc Monmouth Junction $ 112,200 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Credit Karma Inc San Francisco $ 218,500 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Data S Solutions Llc Edison $ 117,624 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Visa Technology And Operations Llc Foster City $ 158,713 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Global Edge Software Inc Milpitas $ 155,106 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Global Edge Software Inc Milpitas $ 155,106 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Worldpay Llc Symmes Township $ 106,954 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Clean Harbors Environmental Services Inc Norwell $ 127,920 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Digitek Software Inc Lewis Center $ 107,765 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Techdigital Corporation Burnsville $ 109,928 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Netskope Inc Santa Clara $ 174,053 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Harness Inc San Francisco $ 160,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer E Business International Inc Princeton $ 120,182 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Dew Software Inc Fremont $ 125,112 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Digitek Software Inc Lewis Center $ 127,837 / Year