All Senior Systems Analyst Sponsored Green Card - 2022

Explore salaries for Senior-systems-analyst in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Senior Systems Analyst Synechron New York $ 114,067 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Ppg Industries Inc Pittsburgh $ 127,100 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Mufg Union Bank Na New York $ 122,800 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Ingram Micro Irvine $ 118,137 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Wellington Management Company Llp Boston $ 97,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Telesys Software Inc San Mateo $ 135,262 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Wellington Management Company Llp Boston $ 84,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Quest Global Services Na Inc Windsor $ 117,021 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Fmr Llc Boston $ 113,713 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Synechron New York $ 114,067 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Art Of Tax Santa Ana $ 157,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Wellington Management Company Llp Boston $ 84,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Vertex Analytics Inc Manchester $ 118,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Cyberthink Inc Bridgewater $ 135,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Vertex Analytics Inc Manchester $ 118,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Net2source Inc Somerset $ 112,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Tcg Digital Solutions Llc Somerset $ 114,067 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Smartsoft International Inc Suwanee $ 106,000 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst National Instruments Corporation Austin $ 105,726 / Year
Senior Systems Analyst Kmm Technologies Inc Rockville $ 128,500 / Year