All Senior Project Manager Sponsored Green Card - 2020

Explore salaries for Senior-project-manager in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Senior Project Manager Atlantic Pacific Miami Inc Fort Lauderdale $ 94,500 / Year
Senior Project Manager The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Milwaukee $ 96,820 / Year
Senior Project Manager Amadeus Hospitality Americas Inc Portsmouth $ 111,286 / Year
Senior Project Manager Sonata Software North America Inc Fremont $ 128,066 / Year
Senior Project Manager Softserve Inc Fort Myers $ 110,000 / Year
Senior Project Manager Kforce Inc Tampa $ 78 / Hour
Senior Project Manager Edm Usa Inc New York $ 83,886 / Year
Senior Project Manager Experis Us Inc Milwaukee $ 67 / Hour
Senior Project Manager Geometric Americas Inc Troy $ 116,979 / Year
Senior Project Manager Pactera Technologies Na Inc Redmond $ 115,586 / Year
Senior Project Manager Turner Townsend Inc New York $ 104,062 / Year
Senior Project Manager Sonata Software North America Inc Fremont $ 128,066 / Year
Senior Project Manager Seadar Enterprises Boston $ 80,226 / Year
Senior Project Manager Gartner Inc Stamford $ 133,100 / Year
Senior Project Manager Kforce Inc Tampa $ 78 / Hour
Senior Project Manager Y Media Labs Llc Redwood City $ 119,399 / Year
Senior Project Manager Mace North America Limited Atlanta $ 120,000 / Year
Senior Project Manager Us Pacific Inc Honolulu $ 100,402 / Year
Senior Project Manager Webcor Construction Lp Dba Webcor Builders Alameda $ 149,614 / Year
Senior Project Manager Webcor Construction Lp Dba Webcor Builders Alameda $ 149,614 / Year