All Principal Consultant Sponsored Green Card - 2015

Explore salaries for Principal-consultant in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Principal Consultant Sparta Consulting Folsom $ 117,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Software Ag Usa Inc Reston $ 92,976 / Year
Principal Consultant Ntt Data Inc Plano $ 110,406 / Year
Principal Consultant Sparta Consulting Folsom $ 110,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Inspirage Llc Bellevue $ 123,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Experian Information Solutions Inc Costa Mesa $ 145,802 / Year
Principal Consultant Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 123,293 / Year
Principal Consultant Logic Technology Inc Schenectady $ 100,485 / Year
Principal Consultant Jals Systems Llc Lutherville $ 131,331 / Year
Principal Consultant The North Highland Company Atlanta $ 145,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Apps Associates Llc Acton $ 89,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Aris Global Llc Stamford $ 96,664 / Year
Principal Consultant Citrix Systems Inc Fort Lauderdale $ 110,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Iolap Inc Frisco $ 146,286 / Year
Principal Consultant Mindtree Limited Warren $ 105,518 / Year
Principal Consultant Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 120,570 / Year
Principal Consultant Apps Associates Llc Acton $ 89,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Ntt Data Inc Plano $ 105,560 / Year
Principal Consultant Inspirage Llc Bellevue $ 123,000 / Year
Principal Consultant Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 118,086 / Year