All Graphic Designers Sponsored Green Card - 2014

Explore salaries for Graphic-designers in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Graphic Designers Moment Design Inc New York $ 65,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Chainstar Facilities New York $ 37,128 / Year
Graphic Designers Mainland Exchange Inc City Of Industry $ 35,443 / Year
Graphic Designers Ui Imports Inc Bergenfield $ 43,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Migz Graphics And Printing Inc Walnut $ 23 / Hour
Graphic Designers Ibt Media Inc New York $ 76,544 / Year
Graphic Designers Brandingiron Worldwide West Hollywood $ 35,500 / Year
Graphic Designers Infopeople Corporation New York $ 63,500 / Year
Graphic Designers Sparks Exhibits Envionments Ltd Philadelphia $ 70,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Skeeters Home Movies Inc Beverly Hills $ 35,443 / Year
Graphic Designers Uniworld Tours Inc Long Island City $ 63,482 / Year
Graphic Designers Perspective Lab Llc San Francisco $ 56,680 / Year
Graphic Designers Inflatable Team Inc El Cajon $ 62,982 / Year
Graphic Designers Xomox Jewelry Llc New York $ 37,128 / Year
Graphic Designers Espanol Marketing Communications Inc Cary $ 28,392 / Year
Graphic Designers Grabber Inc El Dorado Hills $ 67,040 / Year
Graphic Designers Limb Design Houston $ 45,427 / Year
Graphic Designers Nettra Fresno $ 2,500 / Month
Graphic Designers University Of Notre Dame Du Lac Notre Dame $ 49,550 / Year
Graphic Designers Big B World Inc Ridgefield $ 37,336 / Year