All Graphic Designers Sponsored Green Card - 2014

Explore salaries for Graphic-designers in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Graphic Designers Gabriel Bros Inc New York $ 54,538 / Year
Graphic Designers Natural Health Trends Corp Dallas $ 58,053 / Year
Graphic Designers Sense Enterprise Inc Los Angeles $ 47,528 / Year
Graphic Designers Grandstone Corp Dba Fx Goal Edgewater $ 37,336 / Year
Graphic Designers Yahoo Inc Sunnyvale $ 102,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Cloud Engines Inc San Francisco $ 100,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Green Leaves Restaurant Inc Marion $ 28,870 / Year
Graphic Designers Aviance Hair Corporation Carlstadt $ 76,544 / Year
Graphic Designers Stylesight Inc New York $ 45,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Nordstrom Inc Seattle $ 47,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Infokoreainc Los Angeles $ 71,718 / Year
Graphic Designers Creative Management Services Llc Dba Mc2 Chestnut Ridge $ 82,600 / Year
Graphic Designers Rhapsody Clothing Inc Los Angeles $ 72,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Necessary Objects Lic $ 50,500 / Year
Graphic Designers Rennes Apparel Inc Los Angeles $ 59,634 / Year
Graphic Designers Levi Strauss Co San Francisco $ 163,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Arizona Daily Star Tucson $ 53,706 / Year
Graphic Designers Jade Apparel Inc Montebello $ 35,443 / Year
Graphic Designers Pei Partnership Architects Llp New York $ 51,000 / Year
Graphic Designers Kirshenbaum Bond Partners Llc New York $ 86,000 / Year