All Green Card Applications for states.pennsylvania - 2014

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in Pennsylvania with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 111,250 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 134,579 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 97,029 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 107,245 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 114,251 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 134,800 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 134,800 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 119,898 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 96,459 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 108,388 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Newtown Square Computer Systems Analysts $ 116,936 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Doylestown Computer Systems Analysts $ 58,053 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA North Wales Computer Systems Analysts $ 71,510 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Monroeville Computer Systems Analysts $ 61,360 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Malvern Computer Systems Analysts $ 107,120 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Wayne Computer Systems Analysts $ 123,700 / Year
PENNSYLVANIA Reading Computer Systems Analysts $ 30 / Hour
PENNSYLVANIA Reading Computer Systems Analysts $ 30 / Hour
PENNSYLVANIA Reading Computer Systems Analysts $ 30 / Hour
PENNSYLVANIA Reading Computer Systems Analysts $ 30 / Hour