All Green Card Applications for - 2019

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in New-york with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 114,250 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 140,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 120,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 115,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 138,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 95,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 130,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 130,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 195,395 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President $ 106,400 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President ("AVP"), Global Netting Agreement ("GNA") $ 117,500 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President And Developer $ 130,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Actuarial $ 178,350 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Actuarial $ 178,350 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Application Support Engineer $ 135,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Business Advisor $ 91,917 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Business Analyst $ 127,878 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Engineer $ 122,400 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Engineer $ 120,000 / Year
NEW YORK New York Assistant Vice President, Engineer QA $ 135,000 / Year