All Green Card Applications for states.massachusetts - 2014

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in Massachusetts with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 96,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 93,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 61,360 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Billerica Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 72,500 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Watertown Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 81,472 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Billerica Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 61,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Rockland Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 97,816 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Rockland Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 104,319 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Rockland Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 82,086 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Watertown Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 103,230 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Watertown Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 65,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Watertown Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 96,861 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 85,784 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 85,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 93,249 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 85,000 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Woburn Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 61,360 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Woburn Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 61,360 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 72,160 / Year
MASSACHUSETTS Cambridge Biochemists And Biophysicists $ 87,975 / Year