All Green Card Applications for states.dc - 2016

Stay informed about Green Card data and average job salaries in Dc with our comprehensive table, and keep up-to-date on industry compensation trends.

City Name
Job Title
Average Salary
DC Washington Assistant Professor $ 85,000 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Professor $ 135,000 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Professor $ 80,000 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Professor (accounting) $ 175,000 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Professor (Applied Communication Research) $ 78,000 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Professor Of Chemistry $ 78,750 / Year
DC Washington Assistant Teaching Professor $ 48,213 / Year
DC Washington Assoc. Prof. Of History And International Affairs $ 100,000 / Year
DC Washington Associate Attorney (Electrical Mechanical) $ 125,320 / Year
DC Washington Associate Attorney Intellectual Property $ 167,565 / Year
DC Washington Associate Attorney Intellectual Property $ 167,565 / Year
DC Washington Associate Consultant $ 54,000 / Year
DC Washington Associate Economist $ 93,995 / Year
DC Washington Asst Prof Of Francophone Literatures & Creative Writing $ 67,000 / Year
DC Washington Asst. Prof, Mathematics $ 84,000 / Year
DC Washington Asst. Prof. Of Information Systems $ 142,000 / Year
DC Washington Asst. Prof. Of Special Ed. & Disability Studies $ 77,500 / Year
DC Washington Asst. Prof., Decision Sciences In Proj. Mgmt. $ 107,500 / Year
DC District Of Columbia Attorney Intellectual Property (IP) $ 128,500 / Year