All Store Manager Sponsored Green Card - 2017

Explore salaries for Store-manager in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Store Manager Cannon Mart Inc Dba Cannon Food Mart Austin $ 53 / Year
Store Manager Touhid Investments Inc Dba Queens Corner Store Pasadena $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Abir Business Inc Dba Stop N Zip Food Mart Houston $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Fannin Food Mart Inc Houston $ 48 / Year
Store Manager Nasa Enterprise Inc Dba Sweeny Stop Sweeny $ 55 / Year
Store Manager Ishna Enterprises Llc Dba Shiro Grocery Shiro $ 48 / Year
Store Manager Vinsheel Corporation Dba Rosedale Market Austin $ 50 / Year
Store Manager Milestone Enterprise Inc Dba White Oak Market Conroe $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Lm Produce Inc Chicago $ 34 / Year
Store Manager Tuckerton Business Inc Dba Time Mart 23 Houston $ 55 / Year
Store Manager Elha Inc Dba Grab Go 4 Hallettsville $ 44 / Year
Store Manager One Ocean Investor Llc Dba La Petite Market Pearland $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Sunset Green Valley Inc Henderson $ 50 / Year
Store Manager Franks Cushions Inc Maspeth $ 62 / Year
Store Manager Wahhab Business Llc Dba Rancho Food Mart Kyle $ 53 / Year
Store Manager Well Done Business Llc Dba Cypresswood Shell Spring $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Opal Trading Llc Dba Golden Mart Houston $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Mzs Enterprises Inc Dba Rio Grande Food Mart San Antonio $ 56 / Year
Store Manager Texas United Capital Inc Dba J C Market Deli Jacinto City $ 56 / Year
Store Manager United Petro Vii Inc Lake Worth $ 53 / Year