All Srsoftware Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Srsoftware-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Srsoftware Engineer Vaktech Corporation Llc Plainsboro $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Vaktech Corporation Llc Plainsboro $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Xpedite Technologies Inc Princeton $ 109,970 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Paradigm Infotech Inc Columbia $ 109,970 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Vaktech Corporation Llc Plainsboro $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Celer Systems Inc Folsom $ 103,126 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Nixsol Inc Piscataway $ 108,805 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Celer Systems Inc Folsom $ 103,126 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Saram Solutions Inc Aurora $ 102,669 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Paradigm Infotech Inc Columbia $ 115,794 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Libertycom Llc Little Rock $ 86,611 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Derex Technologies Inc Harrison $ 126,422 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Paradigm Infotech Inc Columbia $ 115,794 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Derex Technologies Inc Harrison $ 126,422 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Intellilink Technologies Inc Edison $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Intellilink Technologies Inc Edison $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Intellilink Technologies Inc Edison $ 93,018 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Libertycom Llc Little Rock $ 86,611 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Oslo Solutions Llc Bellevue $ 133,806 / Year
Srsoftware Engineer Oslo Solutions Llc Bellevue $ 133,806 / Year