All Sr Software Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2021

Explore salaries for Sr-software-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Sr Software Engineer Modis Inc Jacksonville $ 168,958 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 101,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Robert Bosch Llc Farmington Hills $ 98,758 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Jsmn International Inc Jersey City $ 137,426 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Bcl Technologies San Jose $ 124,300 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Digital Masters Inc Overland Park $ 105,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Digital Masters Inc Overland Park $ 105,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Home Depot Product Authority Llc Atlanta $ 119,361 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Home Depot Product Authority Llc Atlanta $ 123,217 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Ramscorp Llc Monroe Twp $ 117,021 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Vaktech Corporation Llc Monroe Twp $ 117,021 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Vaktech Corporation Llc Monroe Twp $ 117,021 / Year
Sr Software Engineer High Quartile Llc Chesterfield $ 118,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 101,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Medtronic Inc Minneapolis $ 101,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Covidien Fridley $ 104,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Digital Masters Inc Overland Park $ 105,000 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Securonix Inc Addison $ 111,010 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Celer Systems Inc Folsom $ 123,926 / Year
Sr Software Engineer Celer Systems Inc Folsom $ 123,926 / Year