All Sr Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Sr-software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Dytek Solutions Phoenix $ 86,900 / Year
Sr Software Developer Dytek Solutions Phoenix $ 86,900 / Year
Sr Software Developer Dytek Solutions Phoenix $ 86,900 / Year
Sr Software Developer Tasacom Technologies Inc Dallas $ 115,794 / Year
Sr Software Developer Computer Task Group Inc Ctg Buffalo $ 117,520 / Year
Sr Software Developer Citizens National Bank Of Texas Waxahachie $ 130,000 / Year
Sr Software Developer E Business International Inc Princeton $ 111,259 / Year
Sr Software Developer Orion Systems Integrators Llc Monmouth Junction $ 104,000 / Year
Sr Software Developer Orion Systems Integrators Llc Monmouth Junction $ 105,000 / Year
Sr Software Developer Nisum Technologies Inc Brea $ 103,189 / Year
Sr Software Developer Inetxperts Corp Dba Get Real Health Rockville $ 121,740 / Year
Sr Software Developer Retail Services And Systems Inc Bethesda $ 97,161 / Year
Sr Software Developer Tt Technologies Inc Flushing $ 91,200 / Year
Sr Software Developer Hill30 Inc Northbrook $ 70,000 / Year
Sr Software Developer Opt Intelligence New York $ 91,562 / Year