All Software Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2023

Explore salaries for Software-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation Redmond $ 119,000 / Year
Software Engineer Ibm Corporation Rtp $ 132,725 / Year
Software Engineer Micro Focus Llc Santa Clara $ 140,000 / Year
Software Engineer Telecom Technology Services Inc Pleasanton $ 94,037 / Year
Software Engineer Ealearn Inc Edison $ 123,626 / Year
Software Engineer Citadel Securities Americas Llc Chicago $ 187,500 / Year
Software Engineer Woven Planet North America Inc Palo Alto $ 165,000 / Year
Software Engineer Sage It Inc Frisco $ 111,176 / Year
Software Engineer Apex Technology Systems Inc South Plainfield $ 101,800 / Year
Software Engineer Palo Alto Networks Inc Santa Clara $ 132,080 / Year
Software Engineer Wells Fargo Bank Na Sioux Falls $ 173,100 / Year
Software Engineer Wells Fargo Bank Na Sioux Falls $ 146,350 / Year
Software Engineer Jp Morgan Chase Co Chicago $ 140,000 / Year
Software Engineer Yelp Inc San Francisco $ 127,000 / Year
Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation Redmond $ 120,500 / Year
Software Engineer Pddn Inc Fremont $ 144,726 / Year
Software Engineer Optum Services Inc Eden Prairie $ 139,360 / Year
Software Engineer Optum Services Inc Eden Prairie $ 116,145 / Year
Software Engineer Hstechnologies Llc Plano $ 94,037 / Year
Software Engineer Inspirix Technologies Llc St Peters $ 84,094 / Year