All Software Engineer Ii Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Software-engineer-ii in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Engineer Ii Twitter Inc San Francisco $ 155,000 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Comscore Inc Reston $ 89,669 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Hadiamondstar Software Solutions Llc Fairfax $ 107,702 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Midamerican Energy Company Des Moines $ 77,100 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Twitter Inc San Francisco $ 132,500 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Sony Network Entertainment International Llc San Mateo $ 114,000 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Professional Resource Management Of Wiregrass Llc Dothan $ 99,466 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Ge Medical Systems Llc Waukesha $ 92,593 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Hadiamondstar Software Solutions Llc Fairfax $ 107,702 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Hadiamondstar Software Solutions Llc Fairfax $ 107,702 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Twitter Inc San Francisco $ 143,500 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Adp Dealer Services Inc Roseland $ 88,800 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Infinity Insurance Company Birmingham $ 73,507 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Infinity Insurance Company Birmingham $ 73,507 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Sony Network Entertainment International Llc San Mateo $ 118,040 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Infinity Insurance Company Birmingham $ 73,507 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Cadence Design Systems Inc San Jose $ 100,355 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Sony Network Entertainment International Llc San Mateo $ 115,790 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Isr Info Wayinc Madison $ 84,656 / Year
Software Engineer Ii Comscore Inc Reston $ 88,878 / Year