All Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2024

Explore salaries for Software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Austin $ 158,361 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Austin $ 170,619 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Austin $ 142,613 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Austin $ 154,263 / Year
Software Developer Digipulse Technologies Inc Cherry Hill $ 132,400 / Year
Software Developer Digipulse Technologies Inc Cherry Hill $ 132,400 / Year
Software Developer Infinite Computer Solutions Inc Rockville $ 99,000 / Year
Software Developer Infinite Computer Solutions Inc Rockville $ 99,000 / Year
Software Developer Infogain Corporation Los Gatos $ 127,504 / Year
Software Developer Idril Services Corporation Alpharetta $ 87,485 / Year
Software Developer Epic Systems Corporation Verona $ 153,000 / Year
Software Developer Texans It Services Inc Katy $ 92,685 / Year
Software Developer Texans It Services Inc Katy $ 92,685 / Year
Software Developer Bloxroute Labs Inc Evanston $ 76,500 / Year
Software Developer Edvision Corp Tampa $ 85,613 / Year
Software Developer Grp Solutions Inc Ashburn $ 133,640 / Year
Software Developer Ione Inc Northbrook $ 73,965 / Year
Software Developer I28 Technologies Corporation Iselin $ 109,283 / Year
Software Developer V3tech Solutions Inc Mckinney $ 128,315 / Year
Software Developer V3tech Solutions Inc Mckinney $ 128,315 / Year