All Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2023

Explore salaries for Software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Developer Global Information Technology Inc South Plainfield $ 101,754 / Year
Software Developer Platinum Empire Group Inc Torrance $ 96,907 / Year
Software Developer Acetech Group Corporation Columbia $ 140,483 / Year
Software Developer Macrosoft Inc Parsippany $ 145,454 / Year
Software Developer Data Warehouse Labs Inc Southplainfield $ 145,454 / Year
Software Developer Wb Solutions Llc Tampa $ 81,494 / Year
Software Developer Optum Services Inc Eden Prairie $ 132,000 / Year
Software Developer Raven Software Solutions Inc Farmers Branch $ 94,037 / Year
Software Developer Global Information Technology Inc South Plainfield $ 101,754 / Year
Software Developer Data Warehouse Labs Inc Southplainfield $ 145,454 / Year
Software Developer Slesha Inc Irving $ 94,037 / Year
Software Developer Stellar It Solutions Inc Rockville $ 102,500 / Year
Software Developer Orbysol Inc Aldie $ 119,933 / Year
Software Developer Gannu Software Inc Schaumburg $ 90,397 / Year
Software Developer Connvertex Technologies Inc South Jordan $ 89,252 / Year
Software Developer Marvel Technologies Inc Southfield $ 112,736 / Year
Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 85,306 / Year
Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 101,754 / Year
Software Developer Strategic Resources International Inc Parlin $ 101,754 / Year
Software Developer Ricefw Technologies Inc Okemos $ 95,000 / Year