All Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2017

Explore salaries for Software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Developer Sanguine Software Solutions Inc Rochelle Park $ 91 / Year
Software Developer Bell Info Solutions Llc Sterling $ 108 / Year
Software Developer Wincor Nixdorf Inc Austin $ 92 / Year
Software Developer Virinchi Technologies Limited Edison $ 91 / Year
Software Developer Valassis Communications Inc Livonia $ 93 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 126 / Year
Software Developer Orion Systems Integrators Llc Monmouth Junction $ 111 / Year
Software Developer Prolim Global Corporation Farmington Hills $ 101 / Year
Software Developer Anaya Technologies Inc Newark $ 121 / Year
Software Developer Quality Data Service Llc Waterbury $ 69 / Year
Software Developer Bioinfo Systems Llc Hartford $ 81 / Year
Software Developer Cw Professional Services Dba Lochbridge Detroit $ 78 / Year
Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 115 / Year
Software Developer Ariadne Genomics Inc Gaithersburg $ 85 / Year
Software Developer Applied Database Llc Tampa $ 106 / Year
Software Developer Ncs Pearson Inc Old Tappan $ 88 / Year
Software Developer Ncs Pearson Inc Old Tappan $ 88 / Year
Software Developer Antra Inc Dulles $ 90 / Year
Software Developer Ascend Learning Llc Burlington $ 112 / Year
Software Developer Randstad Technologies Lp Woburn $ 107 / Year