All Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Software Developer Gozoomcom Dba Mailshell San Francisco $ 115,253 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 133,266 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 181,188 / Year
Software Developer Epic Systems Corporation Verona $ 105,000 / Year
Software Developer Epic Systems Corporation Verona $ 105,000 / Year
Software Developer System Soft Technologies Llc Tampa $ 99,965 / Year
Software Developer System Soft Technologies Llc Tampa $ 85,010 / Year
Software Developer System Soft Technologies Llc Tampa $ 99,965 / Year
Software Developer Epic Systems Corporation Verona $ 105,000 / Year
Software Developer Globus It Incorporated Irving $ 79,747 / Year
Software Developer Esurance Insurance Services Inc San Francisco $ 103,126 / Year
Software Developer Gartner Inc Stamford $ 88,215 / Year
Software Developer Help At Home Llc Chicago $ 60,000 / Year
Software Developer Software Guidance And Assistance Inc Tarrytown $ 120,000 / Year
Software Developer Amdocs Inc Chesterfield $ 84,213 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 155,747 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 161,524 / Year
Software Developer Oracle America Inc Redwood Shores $ 145,438 / Year
Software Developer Epic Systems Corporation Verona $ 105,000 / Year
Software Developer Internet Truckstop New Plymouth $ 49,400 / Year