All Senior Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2021

Explore salaries for Senior-software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Senior Software Developer M3bi Llc Scottsdale $ 101,109 / Year
Senior Software Developer M3bi Llc Scottsdale $ 101,109 / Year
Senior Software Developer Onpoint Digital Solutions Llc Wichita $ 110,469 / Year
Senior Software Developer Bbva Open Platform Inc San Francisco $ 127,712 / Year
Senior Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 116,251 / Year
Senior Software Developer Charter Communications Inc Stamford $ 121,903 / Year
Senior Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 101,067 / Year
Senior Software Developer Apex Analytix Llc Greensboro $ 110,187 / Year
Senior Software Developer Ancestrycom Operations Inc Lehi $ 126,447 / Year
Senior Software Developer Ancestrycom Operations Inc Lehi $ 126,447 / Year
Senior Software Developer Kforce Inc Tampa $ 65 / Hour
Senior Software Developer Luxoft Usa Inc New York $ 126,000 / Year
Senior Software Developer Kforce Inc Tampa $ 65 / Hour
Senior Software Developer Randstad Technologies Llc Woburn $ 115,950 / Year
Senior Software Developer Smartsoft International Inc Suwanee $ 122,000 / Year
Senior Software Developer Costar Realty Information Inc Washington $ 127,920 / Year
Senior Software Developer M3bi Llc Scottsdale $ 101,109 / Year
Senior Software Developer Uhaul International Phoenix $ 101,109 / Year
Senior Software Developer Investor Management Trust Real Estate Group Inc Sherman Oaks $ 115,000 / Year
Senior Software Developer Populus Financial Group Inc Irving $ 120,000 / Year