All Senior Product Manager Sponsored Green Card - 2022

Explore salaries for Senior-product-manager in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,900 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,900 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,900 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,900 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,900 / Year
Senior Product Manager The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Milwaukee $ 120,000 / Year
Senior Product Manager Gracenote New York $ 200,000 / Year
Senior Product Manager Coupa Software Incorporated San Mateo $ 135,410 / Year
Senior Product Manager Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park $ 140,500 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 118,938 / Year
Senior Product Manager Walmart Associates Inc Bentonville $ 131,747 / Year
Senior Product Manager Palo Alto Networks Inc Santa Clara $ 188,000 / Year
Senior Product Manager Neutron Holdings Inc Dba Lime San Francisco $ 232,000 / Year
Senior Product Manager Actimize Inc Hoboken $ 164,390 / Year
Senior Product Manager Wayfair Llc Boston $ 115,000 / Year
Senior Product Manager Pivotal Software Inc San Francisco $ 156,300 / Year
Senior Product Manager The Realreal Inc San Francisco $ 201,968 / Year
Senior Product Manager Mobile Heartbeat Waltham $ 135,658 / Year
Senior Product Manager Amazoncom Services Llc Seattle $ 130,887 / Year
Senior Product Manager Palo Alto Networks Inc Santa Clara $ 190,000 / Year