All Senior Analyst Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for Senior-analyst in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Senior Analyst Springleaf General Services Corporation Evansville $ 62,317 / Year
Senior Analyst Tricadia Holdings Lp New York $ 159,141 / Year
Senior Analyst Silverlane Asset Management Llc New York $ 140,000 / Year
Senior Analyst Allied Informatics Inc Duluth $ 93,400 / Year
Senior Analyst Gap Inc San Francisco $ 141,128 / Year
Senior Analyst Pitney Bowes Inc Stamford $ 119,513 / Year
Senior Analyst Verizon Communications Inc All Its Subsidiaries Affiliates New York $ 51,376 / Year
Senior Analyst Verizon Communications Inc All Its Subsidiaries Affiliates New York $ 51,376 / Year
Senior Analyst Allied Informatics Inc Duluth $ 93,400 / Year
Senior Analyst Epam Systems Inc Newtown $ 63,003 / Year
Senior Analyst Amerra Capital Management Llc New York $ 227,178 / Year
Senior Analyst Pitney Bowes Inc Stamford $ 114,576 / Year
Senior Analyst Durkin Group Associates Llc Liberty Corner $ 92,500 / Year
Senior Analyst Retailmenot Inc Austin $ 78,000 / Year
Senior Analyst Springleaf General Services Corporation Evansville $ 62,317 / Year
Senior Analyst Exelon Business Services Company Chicago $ 91,601 / Year
Senior Analyst Esri Inc Redlands $ 68,955 / Year
Senior Analyst Retailmenot Inc Austin $ 78,000 / Year
Senior Analyst Southwest Airlines Co Dallas $ 105,000 / Year
Senior Analyst Aon Benfield Inc Chicago $ 106,538 / Year