All Programmer Analyst Sponsored Green Card - 2020

Explore salaries for Programmer-analyst in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 100,090 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Aplomb Technologies Inc Princeton $ 117,021 / Year
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 100,090 / Year
Programmer Analyst Ven Soft Llc Chantilly $ 96,595 / Year
Programmer Analyst Dgn Technologies Inc Fremont $ 102,482 / Year
Programmer Analyst Dgn Technologies Inc Fremont $ 118,851 / Year
Programmer Analyst Sigma Group Inc Morganville $ 117,603 / Year
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 93,746 / Year
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 93,746 / Year
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 100,090 / Year
Programmer Analyst First Tek Inc Piscataway $ 75,130 / Year
Programmer Analyst Sena Info Technologiesinc Grand Rapids $ 75,816 / Year
Programmer Analyst Sunmerge Systems Inc Piscataway $ 117,624 / Year
Programmer Analyst Walmart Associates Inc Bentonville $ 76,523 / Year
Programmer Analyst Natsoft Corporation Somerset $ 100,090 / Year