All Principal Software Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2018

Explore salaries for Principal-software-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Principal Software Engineer Microchip Technology Chandler $ 118 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Arris Global Services Inc Suwanee $ 125 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation Redmond $ 189 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Becton Dickinson And Company Franklin Lakes $ 125 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Methodics Inc San Francisco $ 147 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Lendingclub Corporation San Francisco $ 182 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Salesforcecom San Francisco $ 210 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Verizon Communications Inc All Its Subsidiaries Affiliates New York $ 159 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park $ 145 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Rizio Inc Dba Workfit Menlo Park $ 185 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Gap Inc San Francisco $ 197 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Incontact Inc Midvale $ 127 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Bjss Inc New York $ 180 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Lattice Engines Inc San Mateo $ 185 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Harman Connected Services Inc Mountain View $ 101 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Leantaas Inc Santa Clara $ 150 / Year
Principal Software Engineer E2open Llc Austin $ 153 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Cornerstone Ondemand Inc Santa Monica $ 145 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Factset Research Systems Inc Norwalk $ 145 / Year
Principal Software Engineer Xactly Corporation San Jose $ 160 / Year