All Mechanical Engineer Sponsored Green Card - 2015

Explore salaries for Mechanical-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Mechanical Engineer North Pacific Crane Company Llc Seattle $ 79,269 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Motorola Mobility Llc Chicago $ 116,138 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Smith International Inc Houston $ 86,507 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Refrigeration Innovation Llc Lincoln $ 61,901 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Soft Source Inc Duluth $ 93,500 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Applied Materials Inc Santa Clara $ 90,320 / Year
Mechanical Engineer New Connect Logistics Inc Carson $ 74,984 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Prospero Equipment Corporation Pleasantville $ 76,336 / Year
Mechanical Engineer The Newdell Company Houston $ 105,500 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Prospero Equipment Corporation Pleasantville $ 76,336 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Lhp Software Llc Columbus $ 64,438 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Advanced Cadcam Service Corporation Peoria $ 58,000 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Gns America Co Holland $ 75,000 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Prospero Equipment Corporation Pleasantville $ 76,336 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Pbs Engineers Inc Glendora $ 74,984 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Itc Infotech Usa Inc Paramus $ 95,000 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Thrubore Valves Magnolia $ 83,387 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Itc Infotech Usa Inc Paramus $ 95,000 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Abc Recycling Inc Kenbridge $ 90,896 / Year
Mechanical Engineer Svtronics Inc Plano $ 76,731 / Year