All Lead Software Developer Sponsored Green Card - 2021

Explore salaries for Lead-software-developer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Lead Software Developer Singular People Llc Birmingham $ 125,819 / Year
Lead Software Developer Wave Solutions Inc Aurora $ 114,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Hcl Global Systems Inc Farmington Hills $ 112,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Hcl Global Systems Inc Farmington Hills $ 112,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Wave Solutions Inc Aurora $ 114,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Dfs Corporate Services Llc Riverwoods $ 128,688 / Year
Lead Software Developer Rocket Innovations Inc Boston $ 95,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Hcl Global Systems Inc Farmington Hills $ 112,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Uhaul International Phoenix $ 117,790 / Year
Lead Software Developer Logic Planet Inc Princeton $ 138,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Logic Planet Inc Princeton $ 138,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Logic Planet Inc Princeton $ 138,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Psyncopate Inc Brea $ 135,886 / Year
Lead Software Developer Dfs Corporate Services Llc Riverwoods $ 113,630 / Year
Lead Software Developer Majescoj Morristown $ 117,021 / Year
Lead Software Developer Majescoj Morristown $ 117,021 / Year
Lead Software Developer Majescoj Morristown $ 117,021 / Year
Lead Software Developer The Center To Promote Healthcare Access Inc Oakland $ 125,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Vector Psychometric Group Llc Chapel Hill $ 130,000 / Year
Lead Software Developer Logic Planet Inc Princeton $ 138,000 / Year