All It Project Manager Sponsored Green Card - 2021

Explore salaries for It-project-manager in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
It Project Manager Dgn Technologies Inc Fremont $ 113,797 / Year
It Project Manager Iris Software Inc Edison $ 91,374 / Year
It Project Manager Dgn Technologies Inc Fremont $ 113,797 / Year
It Project Manager Dgn Technologies Inc Fremont $ 113,797 / Year
It Project Manager Synechron New York $ 111,100 / Year
It Project Manager Diamond Art Club Beverly Hills $ 104,750 / Year
It Project Manager Bobs Discount Furniture Llc Manchester $ 96,408 / Year
It Project Manager Commonwealth Equity Services Llc Waltham $ 120,000 / Year
It Project Manager Super Micro Computer Inc San Jose $ 110,926 / Year
It Project Manager Spruce Infotech Inc Exton $ 94,224 / Year
It Project Manager Incedo Inc Iselin $ 44,200 / Year
It Project Manager Rigas Technologies Inc South Plainfield $ 91,374 / Year
It Project Manager Globallogic Inc San Jose $ 137,363 / Year
It Project Manager Actonia Inc Rosemont $ 78,000 / Year
It Project Manager Sb Industry Inc Fort Worth $ 79,560 / Year
It Project Manager Drivenetsinc Red Bank $ 150,000 / Year
It Project Manager Lorhan Corporation Inc Middlesex $ 114,962 / Year
It Project Manager Nortech North America Inc Dba Adroitts Reston $ 116,147 / Year
It Project Manager Nortech North America Inc Dba Adroitts Reston $ 11,614,700 / Year
It Project Manager Nortech North America Inc Dba Adroitts Reston $ 116,147 / Year