All It Project Manager Sponsored Green Card - 2016

Explore salaries for It-project-manager in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
It Project Manager Rosaprima International Llc Miami $ 141,523 / Year
It Project Manager Krasdale Foods Inc White Plains $ 164,500 / Year
It Project Manager Commdex Consulting Llc Norcross $ 90,875 / Year
It Project Manager Vmware Inc Palo Alto $ 127,879 / Year
It Project Manager Netrocon Systems Llc Charlotte $ 105,934 / Year
It Project Manager M3bi Llc Scottsdale $ 75,150 / Year
It Project Manager Empirical Finance Llc Broomall $ 101,000 / Year
It Project Manager United Software Solutions Inc Woodland Hills $ 95,659 / Year
It Project Manager Computer Aid Inc Allentown $ 122,824 / Year
It Project Manager Ces Usa Inc Chicago $ 149,094 / Year
It Project Manager Sysintelli Inc San Diego $ 108,000 / Year
It Project Manager Systime Computer Corporation Edison $ 97,968 / Year
It Project Manager Integrated Resources Inc Edison $ 154,835 / Year
It Project Manager Icon Technologies Inc Alpharetta $ 92,851 / Year
It Project Manager The Rainmaker Group Holdings Inc Alpharetta $ 91,000 / Year
It Project Manager Thru Inc Irving $ 114,000 / Year
It Project Manager Mavensoft Technologies Llc Beaverton $ 98,946 / Year
It Project Manager Esurance Insurance Services Inc San Francisco $ 77,064 / Year
It Project Manager Ebru Tv Llc Somerset $ 76,000 / Year
It Project Manager Nhn Entertainment Usa Inc Santa Monica $ 175,947 / Year