All Biochemists And Biophysicists Sponsored Green Card - 2014

Explore salaries for Biochemists-and-biophysicists in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Biochemists And Biophysicists Owl Biomedical Inc Goleta $ 74,568 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York $ 81,578 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists University Of Utah Salt Lake City $ 51,000 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Chemtex Environmental Laboratory Inc Port Arthur $ 40,500 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Mayo Clinic Rochester $ 51,582 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Seven Bridges Genomics Inc Cambridge $ 80,000 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Seattle $ 47,364 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Forma Therapeutics Inc Watertown $ 65,000 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc Cambridge $ 85,000 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Genentech South San Francisco $ 73,501 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Genentech South San Francisco $ 97,832 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Sanofi Pasteur Vaxdesign Corporation Orlando $ 53,560 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Amgen Inc Thousand Oaks $ 71,200 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists The University Of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City $ 79,300 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Boston Biomedical Inc Cambridge $ 61,360 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists University Of Alabama At Birmingham Birmingham $ 53,565 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Agensys Inc Santa Monica $ 75,000 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Oklahoma City $ 47,940 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Enza Zaden Research Usa Inc Salinas $ 65,878 / Year
Biochemists And Biophysicists Childrens National Medical Center Washington $ 70,866 / Year