All Associate Attorney Sponsored Green Card - 2021

Explore salaries for Associate-attorney in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Associate Attorney Carbon Law Group Pc Los Angeles $ 81,500 / Year
Associate Attorney Kelman Winston And Vallone Pc New York $ 80,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Kevin Kerveng Tung Pc Flushing $ 79,976 / Year
Associate Attorney Galfand Berger Llp Philadelphia $ 80,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Mt Law Pc Pasadena $ 128,752 / Year
Associate Attorney St Denis Davey Pa Jacksonville $ 80,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Lazer Aptheker Rosella Yedid Pc Melville $ 79,976 / Year
Associate Attorney Magstone Law Llp Santa Clara $ 100,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Kang Haggerty Fetbroyt Llc Philadelphia $ 87,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Brownell Landrigan Pc Washington $ 102,004 / Year
Associate Attorney Plunkett Cooney Pc Bloomfield Hills $ 100,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Law Offices Of Chen Associates Pc Flushing $ 80,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Sterling Sterling Llc Woodbury $ 82,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Sher Tremonte Llp New York $ 170,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Mayer Brown Llp Chicago $ 99,008 / Year
Associate Attorney Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Sullivan Llp Los Angeles $ 200,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Stinson Llp Kansas City $ 159,016 / Year
Associate Attorney The Law Offices Of Jackie Rose Kruger Pc Beverly Hill $ 112,000 / Year
Associate Attorney Hunter Taubman Ny Llp New York $ 82,472 / Year
Associate Attorney Hunter Taubman Ny Llp New York $ 82,472 / Year