All Architects Except Landscape And Naval Sponsored Green Card - 2014

Explore salaries for Architects-except-landscape-and-naval in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Prellwitzchilinski Associates Inc Cambridge $ 54,000 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Hellmuth Obata Kassabaum Pc Washington $ 56,999 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Elton Hampton Architects Roxbury $ 69,742 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Little Red House New York $ 125,000 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Robert Am Stern Architects New York $ 113,000 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Narchitects Pllc New York $ 83,400 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Davis Brody Bond Llp New York $ 83,400 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Hdr Archs Engrs Pc Omaha $ 52,520 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Ever Design Build Corp Dallas $ 60,590 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas Company Norfolk $ 98,613 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Sudev Llc Bellevue $ 70,840 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Windermere Engineering Services Inc Ocoee $ 51,522 / Week
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Platt Byard Dovell White Architects New York $ 68,806 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Nelsen Inc Dba Nelsen Partners Austin $ 62,109 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Sheepshead Nursing Rehabilitation Center Brooklyn $ 53,518 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Shp Leading Design Cincinnati $ 64,376 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Leo A Daly Company Omaha $ 56,410 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Vks Architects Katonah $ 54,000 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Handel Architects New York $ 68,500 / Year
Architects Except Landscape And Naval Bam Architecture Studio Pllc New York $ 68,806 / Year