All Microsoft Corporation Sponsors for Green Card Applications - 2015

Explore Green Card salary data for top companies like Microsoft-corporation across different cities for various job titles and discover the average salaries.

Company name
Job Title
City Name
Average Salary
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer U Transform The Datacenter Pillar Or Other Redmond $ 112,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Ii Cloud And Enterprise Engr Grp Or Other Redmond $ 132,100 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Operating Systems Engr Grp Or Other Redmond $ 110,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Senior International Project Engineer Windows Rd Or Other Redmond $ 153,012 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Ii Osg Core Quality Or Other Redmond $ 132,680 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Online Ipg Or Other Redmond $ 129,300 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Senior Electrical Engineer Devices Group Or Other Redmond $ 164,140 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Ii U Onenote Or Other Redmond $ 128,650 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer U App Svcs Eng Or Other Redmond $ 118,900 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Program Manager Ii Cloud And Enterprise Engr Grp Or Other Redmond $ 127,479 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Operating Systems Engineer Group Or Other Redmond $ 123,616 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Program Manager Transform The Datacenter Pillar Or Other Redmond $ 124,400 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Development Engineer Server Tools Bg Or Other Redmond $ 115,640 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Engineer Ii Cloud And Enterprise Engr Grp Or Related Field Redmond $ 132,100 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Service Engineer It Gfs Networking And Shared Service Or Other Redmond $ 123,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Data Scientist Ii Cloud And Enterprise Engr Grp Or Other Redmond $ 142,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Data Scientist Ii Unlock Insights From Data Or Other Redmond $ 115,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Software Development Engineer In Test Ii Windows Rd Or Other Redmond $ 132,079 / Year
Microsoft Corporation It Software Development Engineer Ii U Corporate Functions It Or Other Redmond $ 113,000 / Year
Microsoft Corporation Program Manager 2 Cloud And Enterprise Engr Or Other Redmond $ 141,000 / Year