All Capital One Services Llc Sponsors for Green Card Applications - 2014

Explore Green Card salary data for top companies like Capital-one-services-llc across different cities for various job titles and discover the average salaries.

Company name
Job Title
City Name
Average Salary
Capital One Services Llc Computer And Information Systems Managers Mclean $ 153,950 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 124,250 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Operations Research Analysts Mclean $ 104,950 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Economists Mclean $ 109,450 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 119,250 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Operations Research Analysts Mclean $ 93,600 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Management Analysts Mclean $ 92,600 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Statisticians Mclean $ 109,000 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Operations Research Analysts Mclean $ 121,550 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 117,300 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Economists Mclean $ 105,000 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 117,800 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 120,000 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Operations Research Analysts Mclean $ 93,600 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Operations Research Analysts Mclean $ 96,100 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Computer Systems Analysts Mclean $ 115,000 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Statisticians Mclean $ 106,350 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Computer Systems Analysts Mclean $ 125,600 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Software Developers Applications Mclean $ 105,250 / Year
Capital One Services Llc Economists Mclean $ 131,600 / Year